Monday, March 17, 2008

Mom - WHAT

So, I've not not a good job keeping up with this, huh. Aye yi yi yi. Well I promise to try harder..

Anyhow - Andrew did something last night that was quite funny. I had swiped myself a handful of Jelly Bellies - and was caught red handed. Well, I didn't want the kids to hve any candy so close to dinner - but I started getting "Mom" and I knew what would come next would be the request for candy. I tried to ignore at first, then I answered "WHAT"!!! Well, this happened a couple more times and then we started to giggle. Then Andrew disappeared for a few minutes and comes back with 3 signs he made. Two that said MOM (for he and Ava) and one that said WUT (for me). So we played the game of holding our signs up to each other. I dunno, struck me quite funny.

Well today I am going through papers on my table and I find this

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Front of Card

Front of Card
Originally uploaded by MzSuz
Dad's been away for a bit - coming home today. Andrew and Ava has really missed and Andrew made him a card last night. Can't wait for Mike to see this - I know it's going to touch him.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Introducing the Kids!

I figured this would be a good way to keep track of important things that happen with the kids, in addition to journaling neat things that they do. I tried to keep a baby book for Andrew and did well for a short while, then failed miserably. Ava didn't even get one started for her. Am I bad mom or what? Of course I know I am not the only person on the planet that isn't a scrapbooker extraordinaire!

So this will be it! Stay tuned.........